Shut The Fear Up!®️
Great Morning and welcome to The Shut The Fear Up Podcast, a monthly podcast featuring your hosts John & Marie Cochran. As a husband and wife team, we plan to bring topics from our book club directly to you. We will tackle Wealth Building, Godly Leadership, Roles in the household, Business Ownership and many more topics. The main framework of our conversation comes from breaking down books we've read on these topics combined with living out our truth. You're reading this because you are supposed to be a part of our journey, listen in and tell a friend, see you on the next episode.
Shut The Fear Up!®️
The Science of Getting Rich II
John Cochran, Marie Cochran
Season 1
Episode 26
Listen as Rev. Dr. Marie Cochran and Realtor John D. Cochran continue to deliver on the deliverables for Getting Rich. They have a special guest Nayla Marie Cochran - Nayla Star assisting on the show.
Nayla negotiated her way on the show!
Nayla is ready to risk it all!
Real Estate - AirBnB
Special shout out to our sponsor Rachel Broadwell our preferred mortgage loan originator on the Shut the Fear Up Podcast!
Follow us everywhere on social media! @shutthefearup on Facebook, Instagram
and Twitter.